Project Employment Inc

Vietnam Sky during an outdoor mass

"Reality Search" Kit

Michelle Nailon
B. Arts, B.Theol., M. Theol., GradDipTheol.
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Downloads are available

A5 size, 115 pgs

1. A Line of Logic

A5 size, 139 pgs

2. Value Frameworks

A5 size, 237 pgs

3. Two World Views

A4 size, 63 pgs

4. Five Pivotal Texts

A4 size, 296 pgs

5. Translation Analysed

A4 size, 254 pgs

Gospel of Mark

Animated workshops


8 workshops

Reality Search -
Generalised Language

Gospel of the Day

Project Employment Inc
the writer
Project Employment Inc
Melbourne Australia 3020
ABN 39 566 577 931
tel 03 9311 5352

Animated Workshops on the Gospel of Mark

These workshops barely provide a commentary on the gospel text. Rather the text is allowed to speak for itself. The animation does provide descriptive headings, firstly for the major paragraphs of the gospel - as set out in patterns. The descriptive headings also extend down to paragraph sub-divisions.

The animated workshops revolve around a handful of key questions.

workshops on the gospel of mark Has the writer set out the basic structure of his gospel in terms of paragraph pairs?

analysis of the gospel of mark Do parallels between paragraph pairs extend down to the five or six or so sub-divisions in the paragraphs or are these sub-divisions the product of an over-active imagination?

definitions in the gospel of mark Does the basic structure provide a critique of the two major social structures to be found in the society of the writers and does the structure put a "finger" on key requirements for each of these societies.

structure of the gospel of mark Does this gospel provide 'base definitions' for the gospels to follow?


Animated Workshops on the Gospel of Mark

Sample page from the animated workshops Outline of Paragraphs in Section A

Download Animated Workshops on the Gospel of Mark

Notes re download.
Files for the animated workshops are contained in a folder which needs to be unzipped.
Page links work from the D Drive.

sociology of mark's gospel