Reviews of "Reality Search"
Cyril Drew, academic (1), Paul, librarian, proof reader (2)
Cyril Drew - Academic
- response to "Reality Search Kit"
I have read in some depth your "Reality Search":-
"A Line of Logic"
"A Prelude to ideas in the Reality Search Kit (Workstyle)
"Two World Views"
"Five Pivotal Texts"
In all it is clear that the whole complex yet profound project, yet in essence simple and clear material, could well help anyone who wishes to use the material in a variety of ways.
It becomes clear to me that the whole endeavour is a life study for you.
(A study of) Greek thought pervading so much of the thinking over the centuries - Plato, Aristotle, - Augustine, Aquinas, the Mediaval centuries, Reformation, Enlightenment, Nineteenth century, Twentieth centuries and as it does today. Then there is a whole background going from the Old Testament to the gospels to Paul.
All of this is familiar to me as I have studied and taught - Philosophy, theology and Scripture as you have yourself. My questions are:-
| Who would use this material?
Who has the background that you and I have?
Who would have the desire, need to approach you to interpret, present this material in a useful, helpful way? Probably some groups have already approached you and would answer the above questions.
It would indeed be wonderful and very fulfilling for you and others if you are able to proceed and open up the background of endeavour of many decades in your life. (There is) much need in this world where relationships of all kinds are breaking down. (There is need for) emphasis, psychological, counseling etc to build up positive relationships at all levels, especially in the work place.
As Christians we would want to use the basic message of Jesus - the Reign of God, Love one another as I have loved you - a life-time endeavour on our journey to face up to the challenges Jesus gives us. (This is) manifested in particular in the stories and parables in Luke, in Paul, in the Documents of Vatican II, especially the final Document "Gaudium et Spes". (It is manifested in) Luke's stories - the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the Emmaus Story which especially appeal to me, as also Matthew Chapter 25.
I like the concept of "Hooks" (being used) is so much of the Gospels etc (as shown in the "Reality Search" analysis.
I have been re-reading especially Anselm "The Joy of Faith" by William H Shannen (which is about) the Ontological approach to the existence of God - faith seeking understanding etc.
"Therefore Lord, you who gave me an understanding of faith, give me, insofar you deem it good for me
That I may understand that you do exist as we believe you to exist and that you are what we believe you to be."
We go through life Thanking God.