Reviews of "Reality Search" |
Cyril Drew, academic (1)
Paul, librarian, proof reader (2)
Paul Christiansen, librarian, proof reader
- response to "Reality Search Kit"
Reality Search is a beautifully presented and highly original publication, which attempts to
relate Catholic theology, Greek and modern philosophy, as well as various other currents,
into a synthesis that attempts to make sense of our contemporary world and where it is headed."
"Bethany" - Some Responses:
- stunned (?) silence
- "absolutely loved it"
- "It's for the future really"
- "Heresy"
- "I couldn't see anything wrong with it"
- "I got up to page two"
- "I move slowly. I'm looking up every single reference"
- "Loved your book"
- "It's beautifully written"
- "I found it intriguing, most intriguing"