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"Reality Search" Kit

Michelle Nailon
B. Arts, B.Theol., M. Theol., GradDipTheol.
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A5 size, 115 pgs

1. A Line of Logic

A5 size, 139 pgs

2. Value Frameworks

A5 size, 237 pgs

3. Two World Views

A4 size, 63 pgs

4. Five Pivotal Texts

A4 size, 296 pgs

5. Translation Analysed

A4 size, 254 pgs


8 workshops

Gospel of Mark
Animated workshops

Gospel of Matthew
Animated workshops

Animated Workshops Downloads re Mark, Matthew, Luke, Acts, John

Project Employment Inc
the writer

Gospel of the Day

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Sunshine 3020, Australia
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line of logic in gospels

Version One: - (of the "Reality Search" analysis)


Analysis by Michelle Nailon

The "Reality Search" analysis of the four gospels and "Acts of the Apostles" covers the whole of these texts so that every part can fit into the "Reality Search" sections. Moreover the analysis shows how one of these sections moves into the paragraph structures of the next section.

First there is the gospel of Mark who sets out definitions of Law and Order, what sort of person can move between the two and what the power of one has to deal with.

Then there is the gospel of Matthew who sets out the best type of law-based society , then points out the limitations of this type of society. Matthew also deals with the "persona" of this society which is "the disciple."

The gospel of Luke deals with a society which is based upon Order. And, while Matthew has a heavy emphasis on time, in which the cause and effect of natural law takes place, Luke has a heavy emphasis on place. Luke presents the "persona" of an order-based society which is the Kingdom figure.

The Acts of the Apostles gives an historical account of how a society bringing law and order into dialetical tension with each other was launched. It also provides the key by which these two differing approaches can be pinned together.

Finally the gospel of John shows how the two types of societies are brought together, side by side, into a living co'existence.

The way in which the sections of the gospels and Acts follow on from one another is so logical that the book "A Line of Logic" demonstrates the sequence of reasoning here without even mentioning religous words like "gospel", "Jesus", "God" or "Jews" etc. It simply talks about the first ancient text, the second ancient text and so on.

At the end of "A Line of Logic" there is a "cartoon" presentation which shows each of the logical steps in pictorial form. As well, historical examples of extreme forms of a law based and order based society are weighed up against the lists of limitations provided in Matthew and Luke.

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Reality Search - A Line of Logic

Have a look at:

A Line of Logic

and NOTE a paperback copy of A Line of Logic is available on Amazon

Type in "Michelle Nailon CSB" to see the Reality Search list on Amazon
(Nailon is the one word!).

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