Animated Workshops on the Gospel of Matthew
These workshops are a follow-on from the workshops on the gospel of Mark. Again each workshop begins with the text of
the gospel itself. Then the text is analysed bit by bit to show an underlying structure beneath it.
What is the underlying structure about? In the case of Mark the basics are set out for a society based upon law and then
a society based upon order. Matthew sets out the best type of a society that is based upon law.
At the same time he lists the dangers of an over-reliance on external law.
An underlying theme that is shown by the workshops is that of discipleship and, like the gospel of Mark there is a theme of
forgiveness - the necessary ingredient of a balanced society.
The best way to understand the importance of the underlying structures of both gospels is to download the workshops and have a closer
look at them.
Notes re download.
Files for the animated workshops are contained in a folder which needs to be unzipped.
Page links work from the D Drive.