 First name, example:
 Last name:
Please complete the survey and click the Submit button at the end.
(a) Tick your answers:
Our workplace:
has regular inservice training
does consider ways of building community
does consider differing value systems
does look for new slants on 'old' ideas.
(b) Pick the three options you agree with most.
Do you think whoever designed the blueprint for the early church:
had smart ideas about social construction?
had ideas and methods that may be relevant but can't be understood?
had ideas but they're buried in "religious" language?
had ideas but they are stir up too much trouble?
had ideas but people in general are disinterested?
had ideas that have been incorporated into a society that has now moved on?
had ideas that are still to be uncovered?
(c) Click on a choice
Do you think the workplace and religion are:
too hard to mix?
could be in more dialogue?
best left separate?
(d) Continuum Line
Below is a line of numbers with "one" measuring "disinterested" in the question to "five" measuring "very interested" in the question (which is)
Do you think a simplified outline of gospel structures has relevance to inservice training about social construction?
(e) One line comment and/or contact details
Would you be interested in:
a quick way to look at a gospel outline that does not require "religious" training
a sociological explanation for the root causes of social disruption?
(f) Paragraph with comment
Enter your comments about the above questions here: