Find out about and note: Downloads are available
Workstyle A5 size, 202 pgs
Bethany A5 size, 115 pgs
1. A Line of Logic A5 size, 139 pgs
2. Value Frameworks A5 size, 237 pgs
3. Two World Views A4 size, 63 pgs
4. Five Pivotal Texts A4 size, 296 pgs
5. Translation Analysed A4 size, 254 pgs
For January 2018, two new sites that "reverse" the approach of RealitySearch. presents a series of workshops on that
subject. presents the same workshops but with
links back to the source documents.
8 workshops
Gospel of Mark
Animated workshops
Gospel of Matthew
Animated workshops
Animated Workshops Downloads re Mark, Matthew, Luke, Acts, John
Gospel of the Day
Reality Search -
All pages of the gospel of Mark, Matthew,Luke,Acts and John
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A follow-on from books in
Is Christian Morality Unique? Has two parts. The sub-title of Part One is "Money, Power and Relationship".
The sub-title of Part Two is "Time and Place World Views in Tension". Part I relies heavily on the Historical
Critical Exegesis method of Scripture interpretation. Part II relies on the human sciences approach of sociology
and provides a semiotic analysis of the gospel texts. Part II also relies on the philosophical hermeneutics of
Gadamer which indirectly discounts the disinterest of Exegetes in the sociological findings of Part II. Gadamer
also provides a philosophical underpinning of the semiotic analysis of the gospel of John and the emphasis shown
here, on the “Living Word” and the “Living Authority”.
It could appear that the two Parts actually constitute two quite different books, especially as Part Two is so
critical of the method of gospel interpretation that Part One is based upon. However if we tease out the findings
of Part Two, especially about the gospel of John and its presentation of “the Living Word” and the “Living Authority” we find that its line of argument leads one back to the content of Part One.
How so? Consider the enactment of John’s “Living Word” and “Living Authority” in the celebration of the Eucharist.
In the Eucharist there is firstly the readings of Scripture. Scripture demonstrates efforts made in the past to
uncover the truths and reality of our existence. Following the readings, the priest attempts to explain his
understanding of these, which in this sense, shows how the Living Word lives on within the context of the Mass and
the congregation.
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The Celebration then continues on as the priest, in conjunction with the congregation,
enacts the command of Jesus to “Do this in Commemoration of me”. People believe that Jesus then becomes present amongst
them. By identifying with him, they are challenged to carry out the will and authority of God, that is, to do their best in whatever
the duties of their daily life entail. In doing this they enact the "living authority" of God.
So, the members of the congregation may wonder. How are they to know that what they do from day to day, is the will
of God. How are they to know that they are acting with “Living authority”?
This line of reasoning takes them back to Part One of Is Christian Morality Unique? Part One provides an exploration
of the mindset of Jesus as he lived out his own life as reflected in the gospels. Each of the synoptic gospels shows
how Jesus dealt with Money, Power and Relationship. In the story of the Passion for instance, Mark shows the readiness of Jesus to forfeit wealth and comfort for the
sake of others. Matthew shows how he continued on, trusting in God, even though “all the disciples fled”. Luke shows
how Jesus relied on a power beyond this world to retain his own identity.
Is Christian Morality Unique? Parts One and Two shows how, like other world religions, Christianity has special focus on the social
pressures of “money, power and sex”. At the same time it presents a social structure that encompasses both time
and place. It presents a framework for the sense of an on-going “living word” and an on-going “living authority”.
This is being acted out in the day to day living of the members of the cosmic and Mystical Body of Jesus Christ.